Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Preschool: B is for BOat

Letter B

The kids and I had fun with letter B. We mostly focused on boats, but a few other fun B activities snuck into the mix of things as well. Our story of the week was Toy Boat by Randall de Seve.  And the kids couldn't get enough of all the different boats and the faces painted on each one. I think the story is cute, but once again, the pictures are what sold me.

First we made our letter craft; a lower case ‘b’ as the mast of a boat. If you are interested in the pdf for the boat letter craft, download it here. We'll hang these up next to our apple A's on the kids' closet doors as part of our alphabet train. I think having the alphabet train out for the kids to see is a really helpful visual, and an easy reminder of the letters they’ve already learned. Often I will have the kids repeat the letters to me as I move my finger along the train at night before bedtime. It’s a fun and easy way to review the letters.

Another day we played a rousing game of boat bingo. Which unintentionally fit in really well with the Toy Boat story because of the different types of boats. The game was a fun way to work on our matching skills, even my (then) two-year-old was able to play without too much help. Click here for a pdf of our bingo sheet.

It was my turn to host the preschool co-op, and it was all about the letter B. We sang a welcome song, and the Adam's Family version of the days of the week. Then we had show and tell. This week for show and tell, I had them each bring their favorite book and tell why it was their favorite and show their favorite picture from it. Then I read them Toy Boat.

Next we did the B Basket. I had put together a little basket full of things that start with letter b. The kids took turns picking items out of the basket and showing everyone. In our basket we had: A capital B fridge magnet, banana, brush, broccoli, baby, bouncy ball, boat, Buzz Lightyear, bunny, bear, block, and bow.

Next we sang a couple of B songs: Row, Row, Row Your Boat, and Head Shoulders Knees and Toes (which I explained was about different parts of the body, another B word.)

Then it was time for some balloon bad-mitten. I made paddles by stapling a jumbo craft stick onto a small paper plate. Then I blew up 8 or so balloons and let them have at it. When they'd gotten enough of their wiggles out, we moved on to our next activity.

I had big sheets of butcher paper, and I had each kid lie down on one and I traced the outline of their bodies. Then we colored them and they got to practice writing their name next to their body. 

After bodies, we had a boat snack: apple slices with peanut butter on top, with a corner of cheese slice and a tooth pick stuck into it for the sail. And lastly, while we waited for the moms to come, we blew bubbles outside on the front porch.

Letter B1

Over the next few days the kids and I kept working on their body projects from preschool. We colored them, and cut them out and taped them on the wall in their rooms. They were so proud of them.

Letter B2

This project actually came at a perfect time too, because we just started Peter Pan (a junior classic version) for our family read aloud, and read the chapter where Peter loses his shadow and Wendy's mom rolls it up and sticks it in a drawer. The way the body cut-outs rolled up reminded the kids of Peter's shadow. So that was fun.

Next up is letter c, starring the very hungry caterpillar!


Signature Krystal

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