Wednesday, March 26, 2014

A Little Bit of Encouragement!

It would be great if everything went smoothly and on schedule, but it is not likely to work quite that easily.

I have been busy writing a paper about this concept in one of my classes. It is has been quite the learning experience for me. I have come to understand the different perceptions in a family and how much our choices can really have an affect on those around us and our future posterity.

Every family encounters crises--those moments in which our choices either move our family in an upward direction or create additional, perhaps more serious, problems to address. Crisis is best viewed as an opportunity paired with danger; as the term implies our response to these moments are critical to our further success.

So with that definition, let me ask you a question. How could a family in a middle of a crisis pull it together when it could very well pull it apart?

Not to go into too much detail, but my family had a very crisis moment when I was about 15 years old. I remember the time very well. Things were crazy at home, but I loved how my parents brought us together with the help of our religious beliefs. My parents planned out more family activities and often we would go to church outings together. Even though things were hard, it made dealing with the stress so much easier knowing that my parents loved me and my little brother and sister along with the feeling of love from my Heavenly Father. Now, I'm sure that trying to get me to go to these things was kind of hard. I had so much anger towards everyone in my family, even myself, that sometimes I was really stubborn when it came to doing things that parents knew would help me in the long run, but I just could not see it. We did make it through that time and now are closer together than ever. We help and support each other, even though we do not live near each other. We talk often and say "I love you." And we try to look at the positive things in life, because what's in the past cannot be changed. All we know is that we can change the future by what we are doing today.

If you are going through a crisis time with your family. Think of some ways that will bring you closer together so that when everything is said and done your bond is stronger than it ever was before. Look towards the future and have a goal that is reachable, but challenges you at the same time. And most of all stay positive. Say to yourself, "I can do hard things" and other similar sayings. You are loved and let others show you how much they love you. Be willing to accept help from those around you. Keep up the good work!

Here is a great video about a young lady who survived a horrible plane crash. Her testimony strengthens me and helps me to find the good in every day.

(Via Youtube, Mormon Messages, "My New Life")


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